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Terms of publication in Acta

Acta Polytechnica  is a peer-reviewed journal published by the CTU in Prague. It is published in English as Open Access and without obligation to pay a publishing fee.  

Acta Polytechnica

  • Acta Polytechnica is focused on Engineering – there are contributions from all engineering disciplines across the CTU.

  • For publishing in Acta Polytechnica we accept contributions of type “article“ or „review“, recommended range is 6 - 15 pages of typesetting in LaTeX.

  • We give priority to contributions in the LaTeX template. The template can be downloaded on the journal’s website.

  • We also accept contributions in Word in the most simple one column format (Word example).

  • In both cases it is necessary to submit all figures as individual files in sufficient size and quality, in .png, .pdf, or .jpg. format without captions.

  • The process of entering the contribution to the editorial system is described in the document Publication process in detail.

  • Contribution for reviewers has to be entered in .pdf format! Source files (.tex, .doc, .bib and figures) can be added after the contribution has been accepted for publishing, ideally in .zip file as Supplementary files.

  • While entering the contribution the author confirms the contribution is original, not yet published and it was not sent to be published anywhere else at the same time and also it meets all the publication requirements (for example all publications contain DOI in list of references when available, metadata are entered correctly, the article has appropriate structure etc.).

  • Not meeting the requirements is a reason for rejection of the publication.

  • The peer-review process and next steps are described in the document Publication process in detail.

  • The peer-review process takes approximately four months at the moment. Time from submitting the contribution to publishing is approximately six months.

  • The editors can issue a confirmation that the contribution has been accepted on author’s request.

  • You will find all needed information described in detail on the journal’s website. If you need any additional information, contact the editorial team directly (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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