The CTU libraries provide:
- Books
- Textbooks
- E-books
- Journals
- Dictionaries
- Standards
- Dissertation/Doctoral theses (PhD theses)
You must be a registered user to borrow materials from the library. How to register?
How to borrow
How to borrow a book or textbook?
- Choose the book you need in the open collection in the CTU Study room on the 5th floor in the NTK building and borrow it at the circulation desk.
- To borrow a book placed in the library store make a reservation in the Library catalogue.
All books can be borrowed off-site the library premises except for those labelled with red dot, to 'Study room' only.
To borrow or return books you may also use a self-check machine located in the CTU Study room on the 5th floor.
Where to collect
Where to collect
In case you made a reservation request (through your user account), you will receive a notification via your CTU email confirming that your book is ready.
Collect reserved publications at the circulation desk on the 2nd floor (if you made reservation in the CTU Central Library - Dejvice) or in the local library, if you made reservation in the local library.
More about making reservations, extending your lending period , opening hours.
How to return
How to return
5 days before an expiration of your loan you will receive a notification email.
The books must be always returned in the same library which you borrowed them in.
- CTU Central Library in Dejvice
at the main circulation desk on the 2nd floor
or via Bibliobox near the NTK 3 entrance, when the library is closed
in local CTU libraries (FTS, FNSPE, FBME)
What happens when returning your loans late?
Always extend your lending period in time. In the case of returning your loans after the expiration period, a fine must be paid (see Library charges and fines )