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Open Science in research projects

The European Commission has long supported the idea of open access to research results. In the Horizon 2020 (H2020) programme the EU introduced the rules regarding providing open access to publications and research data. In the Horizon Europe (HE) programme these rules have been specified even further. Important factor in the evaluation process of the projects of European programmes is the openess of publications, not the impact factor indicator.

Similar rules are starting to be taken over by Czech grant agencies. The first of them is the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, which requires Open Access and Open Science principles in the Kappa programme.

Rationale for Open Science: visibility and findability of the results of publicly funded projects as well as providing transparent evaluation of the impact of individual programmes on science, technology and societal development.

Summary of Open Science requirments:

  • Deposit the publication in a repository and provide open access to it.
  • Provide access to the publication and to the metadata under a public license (CC or equivalent).
  • Publish research data in accordance with the FAIR principles - 'as open as possible, as closed as necessary' - i.e. publish all data that can be made public.
  • Develop and regularly update a Data Management Plan (DMP).
  • Provide access to research data under a public licence (CC or equivalent) where possible. Provide acces to the metadata also under a public licence.

All requirements are described below in detail for each programme. Details may vary!



Open Research Europe (ORE)

ORE is an Open Access publishing platform founded by the European Commission and intended mainly for publishing the results of research funded by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. The platform requires the payment of APC fees, for the publications within H2020 and HE the publishing is free of charge.

ORE features:

  • It is a publishing platform, not a repository.
  • It is a platform for publishing original research articles, in particular from research funded by the EC through Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes.
  • Provides immediate open access, with content licensed for re-use.
  • Works are published under the CC BY license.
  • Provides Open Peer-review (i.e. reviewer identities are published, reviewer comments are published, comments or discussion by the research community is available).
  • Each article has a dedicated metrics page, Altmetrics are used to measure the article impact.
  • Uses publication standards, ensures interoperability - e.g. uses persistent identifiers, provides interoperability with repositories, guarantees long-time preservation of the content, is based on open data and software and on interoperable technologies, etc.

For authors:

  • ORE is focused on gaining impact through openness, not by bibliometrics. As a new platform, it does not have an impact factor and is not indexed by citation databases (WoS, Scopus). In the Czech Republic it is not eligible form the R&D evaluation under the Methodology 2017+.
  • Provides all transparent publishing standards in accordance with the principles of Open Access and Open Science, according to the requirements of H2020 and HE.
  • Is supervised by an expert editorial board.
  • Publishing is free of charge for H2020 and HE publications during and after the project duration.
  • Fully in line with European Commission policy and principles
  • ORE platform is not obligatory to use.