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What is Open Access


~ Open access (Open Access, OA) means free unlimited online access to scientific literature and professional information, especially the full texts of scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals, but also monographs and other valuable information resources. 

~ If you are interested in the issue of open access, here is an overview of interesting sources related to the topic.

This is an unlimited online access, which is free for users and without most of copyright and licensing restrictions. Opens an access to publications that are otherwise traditionally made available only for a fee (by subscription, license, pay-per-view, etc.), in particular to journal articles, published in literature mediated by large producers and publishers, who led recently to a constant increase of prices for access to current scientific articles (information) and consequently also the limited or delayed sharing the latest knowledge (see The Cost of Knowledge).

Open access is an alternative to the traditional publication process, both models, however, stands in direct opposition. Open access enhances distribution of scientific knowledge, without interfering with dominant scientific journal publishers. For the scientific community, OA is an adequate approach to the dissemination of knowledge in the virtual environment of today's Internet.


What OA brings?

  • Access to quality professional information for free anywhere
  • Faster sharing the latest knowledge and efficiency of scientific communication
  • Visibility, increased use and greater outreach of scientific publications
  • Increase the impact of publications funded by grants or public funds
  • Presentation and visibility of scientific results and overall increase of the university prestige

How can help library/university?

  • Provide information about OA
  • Recommend OA journals in the field
  • Check the reputation and validity OA journal or conference
  • Find out the publisher attitude towards OA
  • Convey the storage of the article in a repository (eg. Repository CTU)

The most significant open access initiatives

The spread of open access contributes a number of international initiatives, including major initiatives include the following: