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A CTU student, a CTU employee and also a member of Public with permanent residence in the Czech Republic may become a User of the CTU Central Library in Prague.

The registration is required for loans and is free of charge for CTU students and employees. For the process of registration ISIC card or CTU identity card is needed. You will also be provided a document User declaration for your signature at the CTU counter desk situated on the 2nd floor in the building of the National Library of Technology.

A member of Public needs a valid personal identity card for registration.

User is provided a User Declaration for signature and thus agrees with conditions of the CTU Library and Lending Code. Each User chooses a PIN code during the process of registration as unique combination of four digits, which protects the personal library account. Both the library card and the PIN code are valid in the Central library and in all CTU local libraries.

Library and Lending Code - Art. 7 User Identification 


Registration at the CTU Central Library 

The service is provided in the building of the National Library of Technology (NTK) on the 2nd floor (Technická 6, Praha 6).

For entering the NTK building either of fhe following is needed:

  • Student ID card/ISIC – full access is active 24 hours after the card has been issued, or
  • One-time ticket – issued by the calling system in the NTK building with a limited validity for 1 day, for other users without  relation to the CTU institution or NTK - ChemTK.

Local libraries are situated at the: