In order to support institutions and students during transition from present to remote learning, many publishers are offering some or all of their e-resources freely for a period of few months.
In addition to the resources that our library offers, you can try, for example:
Statista - Insights and facts across 600 industries and 50+ countries
Direct access | Remote access (Shibboleth) |
The CTU Library organised trial access to Statista until December 2020. Statista provides quantitative data and statistics on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources. Among others reports, infographics and revenue forecasts on over 400 industries are included. Statista allows access to the most recent and relevant statistics and studies on a specific topic by simply entering a keyword.
Remote Access:
- Click Login then Campus Access.
- Select CVUT from the list of institutions and click Login (section If you have access).
- This will prompt you to enter your usual CTU username and password.
MathSciNet, AMS journals - remote access
As a service during the COVID-19 crisis, the American Mathematical Society would like to assist in maintaining access to online products to which CTU is subscribed. MathSciNet offers access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information on mathematical sciences literature.
Not successful at getting access to an e-book or e-textbook? Please contact