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E-book request service

Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA)

University staff and students can request new academic e-books for the CTU Central Library to buy on ProQuest platform Ebook Central.

Choose from more than 200 000 titles selected with respect to fields of study lectured at CTU.


 Direct access to the database    Remote access to the database
  •  Looking for a particular book?
    • Put the title or author in the search field. You may also try Advanced search.
  • Looking for a particular field of study?
    • Write it in the search field or use Browse the fields.

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Books labeled this way may be read online for 5 minutes. Do you think this book should be available in the library collection? Do you need this title for writing your final thesis or for your lecture?


Ask for a book

  • Click on Request under the picture of a required title.
  • In case you are not logged in the ProQuest database, you will be asked to login via SSO (single sign on authentication scheme) / Shibboleth (use the same credentials as for USERMAP).
  • Fill in the form Request this book.
  • State your reasoning for having the book in the collection. That will help in decision making on the type of license to be purchased for the given title (for 1, for 3 or for unlimited number of users using the e-book at a time. In case you need a book once-only, it is possible to request the book for a short term e-loan.
  • Confirm by clicking Request the book.
  • Your requisition will be sent to the CTU Central Livrary staff and to your e-mail, which you put in the form.
  • A member of staff will consider your reasoning and the book will be either approved or denied. Either way you will be informed by e-mail. You may also be suggested other access to the book you require, in case you need one. With respect to financial possibilities of the CTU institution, not all e-books requisitions may be satisfied. Thank you for your understanding.

Manul to download (in PDF format)

Selected e-books purchased based on your proposals:

Flying off course microwave techniques cardiorespiratory contact lens projects ESP

Flying off Course : Airline Economics and Marketing


Microwave Techniques in Superconducting Quantum Computers Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy:

Contact Lens Practice




Electronics Projects with the ESP8266 and ESP32


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