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Stages of writing an academic text


The last but very important stage of the writing process is proofreading the text before submission. The value of any text (even a perfect one in terms of content) is greatly diminished if it is linguistically and formally poor.

What are the things to look for?

  • Revising the text (content) and proofreading
  • Text editing ( formal requirements and typographical errors)

It is a good idea to set aside enough time for the final proofreading so that you have time to reread the text (even several times), think about its content, whether it is logically organised and makes sense, if some of the wording is too clumsy, if there are errors in calculations and formulas, and correct spelling mistakes.

It is also necessary to check and edit the layout of the document and to correct at least basic typographical defects.

Tip! In case you are sending your work to a selected editorial office (publishing house) for publication, you should carefully study their guidelines on how to formally edit the text (Guides for Authors) and prepare the text accordingly. The editors themselves do the typographical editing.

Recommendation: It is also very helpful if you read the work with some time in between.


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