Citation generators
Tools which are able to work with your requirements for the final citation in given citation style. They can usually work with one or several citation styles. First decide which style is the best for you to use.
They are free of charge and you don’t need to register or login. They are either available as individual tools or part of the citation managers. There are generators in Czech or in foreign language.
Generators in the Czech language
- – citation generator in accordance with the standard ČSN ISO 690
- Citation generator of UCT Prague publisher – in accordance with the style ACs (American Chemical Society) and ČSN ISO 690
- Figure citation – generator available on the websites Digital materials for teaching (in accordance with ČSN ISO 690)
Generators in English
- eTurabian – citations in accordance with the styles Turabian, MLA and APA
- Harvard generator – citations in accordance with the Harvard Referencing Format
- Citation Machine – citations in accordance with MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian and Harvard
How to work with citation generators:
- When inserting information about the document in the form of the generator it is important to choose the right type of the document, which provides appropriate boxes to fill in the particular document. Each document requires specific data, and so the choice of the document type is the key for generating the right citations.
- After that, insert the information about the particular document: author, title, year issue, etc. It is possible to do so the following way:
- automatically – insert some of the given criteria (e.g.title, DOI, ISBN of the book) in search box, the system will search the relevant entry (if the system finds the citation in the open source) and downloads the information about the document;
- manually – chose the type of the document in the generator, which you wish to cite (publication, e-book, a journal article etc.), the relevant form and which you fill in the information about the document, opens.
- According to the chosen citation style the citation is generated from the given information about the document.
- Thereafter the citation is transfered into the reference list.
Pay attention to format while inserting the citation into your text, so that you don’t lose italics or other details in the proces, which in certain styles like e.g. in ČSN ISO 690 is substantial.
Generated citations must be checked. Generator is just a tool and might not be able to do everything. It might not be able to recognize certain mistakes.
For example:
- when downlowding automatically, the entry box of the original document might not fit the box of the genertor.
- If the generator does not transfer the information, it must be written manually.